Monday, January 5, 2009

Never Give Up! The Breakthrough is Probably Just Around the Corner
By Steve Wickham

"I think and think for months and years. Ninety-nine times, the conclusion is false. The hundredth time I am right." -Albert Einstein.

The picture of Rocky Balboa in the original "Rocky" movie is the classic picture of a down-and-outer with a never-say-die attitude--he astounds his much classier and more well-known opponent with a rare form of determination; a characteristic of champions. It is inspirational for the viewer of the movie, even the least keen boxing fan can identify with Sylvester Stallone's character.

It's said that to become a champion we need talent, yes, but in equal proportion, character is also required; to take the knocks on the way up, and to continue taking them whilst up there.

It must be a thing with inventors and scientists forever challenging new paradigms because Thomas Edison also said something to the effect: 'with each failure I am one step closer to success.'

Perhaps Einstein and Edison had something in common; they both proved successful in their fields--because they didn't give up.

Giving up at once shows how much resilience we lack. Endurance is required. And this is where faith is required. We must have faith to not give up easily and continue on; even when there are suggestions our progress is forlorn.

The ability to endure a painful time where all hope is being lost, and to stay positive despite the circumstances, is the stuff of champions--they match pluck with the tactics to win. If we have the right formula, then all we need is the courage to persist.

For all the non-spiritual 'winners' out there, there is actually a very biblical principle involved in enduring the pain of foreseeable defeat, persecution and suffering successfully: there are numerous Scriptures that highlight this, showering hope on the despondent person under trial. For instance, these are two of the more obvious citations:

Jesus said, "I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world." -John 16:33 (NIV).

"Consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance. Let perseverance finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything." -James 1:2-4 (TNIV)

The greatest victories are those come-from-behind affairs of doggedly and tenaciously forging on despite the conditions or scoreboard.

The above mentioned quotes from the Bible show us the way to doggedly and tenaciously endure what life might throw at us, so that we might smile through it, remaining philosophical and capable in the midst of whatever pain and tumults we experience.

Copyright © 2009, S. J. Wickham. All Rights Reserved Worldwide.

Steve Wickham is a safety and health professional (BSc) and a qualified lay Christian minister (GradDipDiv). His key passion is work / life balance and re-creating value for living, and an exploration of the person within us.

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